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金錢崛起 The Ascent of Money
金錢崛起 The Ascent of Money
The Ascent of Money
(1)Dreams Of Avarice 金錢崛起 20 May 2009 at 08:30p.m.
Where did it come from? And where did it all go? In this fresh, revelatory series, historian and Harvard professor Niall Ferguson reveals everything you need know about money.
Why did money stop being metal and morph into paper? Why do people never learn that stock market
bubbles always end in busts?
Understand these things and you start to see world history in a new light. You’ll see that it was
Rothschild as much as Wellington who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. Why it's the adoption of Arab
mathematics that allowed that lovely Renaissance art and architecture to flourish. And you’ll discover why the welfare state was born in Stockholm, but died in Santiago.
Dreams Of Avarice - From Shylock's pound of flesh to the loan sharks of Glasgow, from the ‘promises to pay’ on Babylonian clay tablets to the Medici banking system, Professor Ferguson explains the origins of credit and debt and why credit networks are indispensable to any civilisation.
The Ascent of Money
(2)Human Bondage 金錢崛起 27 May 2009 at 08:30p.m.
How did finance become the realm of the masters of the universe? Through the rise of the bond market in Renaissance Italy. With the advent of bonds, war finance was transformed and spread to north-west Europe and across the Atlantic. It was the bond market that made the Rothschilds the richest and most powerful family of the 19th Century. And today, governments are asking it to bail them out.
The Ascent of Money
(3)Blowing Bubbles 金錢崛起 3 Jun 2009 at 08:30p.m.
Why do stock markets produce bubbles and busts? Professor Ferguson goes back to the origins of the joint stock company in Amsterdam and Paris. He draws telling parallels between the current stock market crash and the 18th-century Mississippi Bubble of Scottish financier John Law and the 2001 Enron bankruptcy. He shows why humans have a herd instinct when it comes to investment, and why no one can accurately predict when the bulls might stampede.
The Ascent of Money
(4)Risky Business 金錢崛起 10 Jun 2009 at 08:30p.m.
人生充滿風險!這就是為甚麼人們會去買保險。但面對一個巨大和突如其來的災難時,國家必須介入。Professor Ferguson在卡特里娜風災過後來到新奧爾良,探討為何自由市場無法提供充分防護以對抗天災。他對答案的追尋使他回溯現代保險在19世紀的起源,以及在二次大戰後日本福利國的誕生。福利國制度出了甚麼問題?智利為何會在1970及1980年代從事全世界最激進的社會保險改革?如今美國和歐洲福利國正面臨一個類似的報應日,我們又吸取了甚麼教訓?
Life is a risky business, which is why people take out insurance. But faced with an unexpected disaster, the State has to step in. Professor Ferguson travels to post-Katrina New Orleans to ask why the free market cannot provide adequate protection against catastrophe. His quest for an answer takes him to the origins of modern insurance in the early 19th Century and to the birth of the welfare state in post-war Japan.
The Ascent of Money
(5)Safe As Houses 金錢崛起 17 Jun 2009 at 08:30p.m.
It sounded so simple: give State-owned assets to the people. After all, what better foundation for a property-owning democracy than a campaign of privatisation encompassing housing? An economic theory says that markets cannot function without mortgages, because it is only by borrowing against their assets that entrepreneurs can get their businesses off the ground. But what if mortgages are bundled together and sold off to the highest bidder?
The Ascent of Money
(1)Dreams Of Avarice 金錢崛起 20 May 2009 at 08:30p.m.
Where did it come from? And where did it all go? In this fresh, revelatory series, historian and Harvard professor Niall Ferguson reveals everything you need know about money.
Why did money stop being metal and morph into paper? Why do people never learn that stock market
bubbles always end in busts?
Understand these things and you start to see world history in a new light. You’ll see that it was
Rothschild as much as Wellington who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. Why it's the adoption of Arab
mathematics that allowed that lovely Renaissance art and architecture to flourish. And you’ll discover why the welfare state was born in Stockholm, but died in Santiago.
Dreams Of Avarice - From Shylock's pound of flesh to the loan sharks of Glasgow, from the ‘promises to pay’ on Babylonian clay tablets to the Medici banking system, Professor Ferguson explains the origins of credit and debt and why credit networks are indispensable to any civilisation.
The Ascent of Money
(2)Human Bondage 金錢崛起 27 May 2009 at 08:30p.m.
How did finance become the realm of the masters of the universe? Through the rise of the bond market in Renaissance Italy. With the advent of bonds, war finance was transformed and spread to north-west Europe and across the Atlantic. It was the bond market that made the Rothschilds the richest and most powerful family of the 19th Century. And today, governments are asking it to bail them out.
The Ascent of Money
(3)Blowing Bubbles 金錢崛起 3 Jun 2009 at 08:30p.m.
Why do stock markets produce bubbles and busts? Professor Ferguson goes back to the origins of the joint stock company in Amsterdam and Paris. He draws telling parallels between the current stock market crash and the 18th-century Mississippi Bubble of Scottish financier John Law and the 2001 Enron bankruptcy. He shows why humans have a herd instinct when it comes to investment, and why no one can accurately predict when the bulls might stampede.
The Ascent of Money
(4)Risky Business 金錢崛起 10 Jun 2009 at 08:30p.m.
人生充滿風險!這就是為甚麼人們會去買保險。但面對一個巨大和突如其來的災難時,國家必須介入。Professor Ferguson在卡特里娜風災過後來到新奧爾良,探討為何自由市場無法提供充分防護以對抗天災。他對答案的追尋使他回溯現代保險在19世紀的起源,以及在二次大戰後日本福利國的誕生。福利國制度出了甚麼問題?智利為何會在1970及1980年代從事全世界最激進的社會保險改革?如今美國和歐洲福利國正面臨一個類似的報應日,我們又吸取了甚麼教訓?
Life is a risky business, which is why people take out insurance. But faced with an unexpected disaster, the State has to step in. Professor Ferguson travels to post-Katrina New Orleans to ask why the free market cannot provide adequate protection against catastrophe. His quest for an answer takes him to the origins of modern insurance in the early 19th Century and to the birth of the welfare state in post-war Japan.
The Ascent of Money
(5)Safe As Houses 金錢崛起 17 Jun 2009 at 08:30p.m.
It sounded so simple: give State-owned assets to the people. After all, what better foundation for a property-owning democracy than a campaign of privatisation encompassing housing? An economic theory says that markets cannot function without mortgages, because it is only by borrowing against their assets that entrepreneurs can get their businesses off the ground. But what if mortgages are bundled together and sold off to the highest bidder?
The Ascent of Money
《新股消息》霸王 01338.HK 招股價介乎1.95-2.38元
韓圜 KRW 160 @ 2009-06-05
韓圜 KRW 160 @ 2009-06-05
港幣兌韓圜匯價 HKD $1 : KRW 160

港幣兌韓圜匯價 HKD $1 : KRW 160

flyinthesky(重返少室山) 2009/6/5 下午 03:04:20 網友在此的回應
5 -17%
941 -14%
2628 +9%
2823 -4%
3968 +28%
5 +6%
1800 +23%
2318 +47%
2628 +24%
07年11月果批基本上都唔洗點蝕錢, 之後開始的全是利潤, 當然成績不是太好, 但重點是, 非常懶惰不用腦就有利潤
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